Welcher Fanatasy-Charakter bist Du?

  • ups...

    You are Eowyn from the trilogy The Lord of the Rings. You are a strong woman who will not compromise your values. You stand up for those who are misunderstood and you are not afraid to fight. You are unafraid of death and to some you may seem mysterious.

    Aber die Fragen sind echt lustig :D

  • öh, ???

    You are Romeo from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. You are a gentleman and a passionate man. You love deeply and are not afraid to show your emotions. You make your intentions known and do not back down if you are forced to fight.


    Seh ich wie einer dieser verrückten weltverbessernden Helden aus die dauernt ihr Leben für Gott und die Welt riskieren??!<br />-Jerdur (Duergar Feldscher)-Kaadash (Ork Wald-/Wiesengeher)<br />Youtube-Video

  • You are Sherlock Holmes from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's famous mystery series. You are smart, witty, and love a challenge. You use rationality and reason in all things and don't let your heart rule your head. You are measured and stable and you don't let people push you around.


    Eine Stimme, Eine Kraft, dein Licht wird mich leiten.....<br /><br />Ich bin nur verantwortlich, für das was ich schreibe. Nicht für das was andere daraus lesen.

  • da ich bei einer Frage 2 Antworten gleichberechtigt ankreuzen konnte:

    You are the White Witch from the Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. You are intent on becoming a powerful person, but that power does not come from a desire to do good, but evil. You and your frightening minions rule the world with fear and terror.


    You are Galadriel from the trilogy the Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien. Recently played by Cate Blanchett in the epic movie trilogy directed by Peter Jackson, you are a strong woman and you know what you want. You are a visionary with grand ideas.

    ..oO(wenn man sich an dieser Stelle an die potenzielle Ring-Übergabe erinnert... Alle werden mich lieben – und verzweifeln... so schlecht ist auch die guet galadriel nicht ^^)

    [...]die Nyame ist eine sehr verständnisvolle Person... Mit einem Gespühr für Schwächen wie ein Bluthund. [...]

  • :o

    You are Achilles from Homer's the Iliad. You are a warrior with a hot temper. You need to get your own way and aren't afraid to tell people what you want. You are a fair fighter and everyone wants to have you on their side.

    The Iliad is an epic novel about the ten year war between the Greeks and the Trojans. The novel is one of the first books that was written down in Western literature in approximately 850 B.C.E., but was handed down orally for centuries before. The book was recently made into the movie Troy featuring Brad Pitt as Achilles.

  • You are Romeo from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. You are a gentleman and a passionate man. You love deeply and are not afraid to show your emotions. You make your intentions known and do not back down if you are forced to fight.

    hmm... wenn ich es als Tarabas ausfülle kommt:
    You are Voldemort from the Harry Potter series. You revel in other people's misery and are intent on global domination. You would like nothing better than to take revenge on those who once scorned you and ignored your evil genius.

    Orga Quellar Xarann


    Tarabas Nightshadow, Waffenmeister Aquas

    Usst'Sargtlin Tal'Shar Xarann (Hausadel)

    Theodorik zu Wolfenau

    "Die Kleinigkeiten erzeugen Perfektion, aber Perfektion ist keine Kleinigkeit."

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Tarabas Nightshadow ()

  • You are Gandalf from the trilogy the Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien. You are a visionary with grand ideas and courage to match. You are thoughtful and often spend more time thinking about the future than the present.

    The Lord of the Rings is an epic trilogy which is often considered to portray the mythic past of England. Published in three volumes in 1954 and 1955, the story is part of the mythology that Tolkien had been working on in 1917. Another well-known work that precedes this is The Hobbit.

    Macht besonders viel Sinn, da ich angegeben hatte, nicht vorraus zu planen...und bei ein par der anderen Antworten würde von den Zauberern wohl Saruman auch eher passen, naja..

  • You are Yu Jiao Long from the novel Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. You are a warrior with a hot temper and you aren't afraid to tell people what you want. You are a strong woman with many ideas and you want to live your life without boundaries and restrictions.

    Violante<br />wie eine Lilie, die dir in die Fresse schlägt<br />wie der Sonnenaufgang am Jüngsten Tag<br />wie eine kuschelige Decke gefüllt mit Stacheldraht<br />wie die zärtliche Umarmung eines blutrünstigen Höhlenbärens<br />wie die einkehrende Ruhe des nahenden Todes

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Violante ()

  • First try...

    You are Juliet from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. You are a romantic, but are not afraid to stand up for what you want. While you believe in happily ever after you are no damsel in distress and have a strong mind.

    Nur indem wir unser eigenes Licht ohne Angst scheinen lassen geben wir anderen Menschen die Erlaubnis und den Mut, das Gleiche zu tun.

  • Mhm..ich weiß net ob ich das gut finde oder nicht *g*

    You are Lucy from the Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis. You are trusting and intensely loyal. You would go to the ends of the earth for your friends and would never betray them.

    Tja..ich weiß ja nun wie man mit solchen Charaktereigenschaften endet....ich geh dann mal mein Testament schreiben^^

    PS: Wenn ich nur das Geschlecht änder, wäre ich Sam Gamgee...noch schlimmer...

  • :o
    You are Tigger. You are fun and rambunctious. You love to make your friends laugh and to have a good time. People like to be around you because you accept others without judgement and you are cheerful and outgoing. As Tigger says himself "Bouncing is what Tiggers do best."