Campaigngame - Up to date!

  • [Campaigngame CW39]

    • All summer turns were done. All that is missing is the Underdark and a surface expedition, which must be discussed in the Northorga.Then we are completely through with the summer turns. So if you do not have an answer to something that awaits (in terms of your campaign), then please write again in the fall reaction.
    • The Skargen- and Concordance-Infos will be available until the end of this week!
    • The Davoriç expedition to the North Continent will continue from mid-October!
    • Date of fall reaction 19 is on October, 20th.
    • The date of the winterturn 19 is on the 27th of December.

    All martial landings / arson of the skarges during the Conquest on coastal settlements were posted.

    Tomorrow the sea battles will follow (Ecstatica / Raetien, Felsi-Ildebekkoiee, Exilia, Ozam Har'ol) and inland battles (Selfiran, Nebelwacht, Sciminova)

  • [Campaign Game - News]

    Dear North Campaigners!


    - Trading game is decoupled from the CampaignTurns

    - Handling the SummerTurn

    - Update on settler numbers. Send us your number of players

    New trading game mechanics

    We are currently in the process of preparing the revised trade mechanics, so don't be surprised if a new thread called ′′Trade & Tradmarks ′′ appears in your areas. This will only start for usage from fall / winter 20 up on and before that there is at least one Q & A-TS!

    Briefly explained: We are completely decoupling the trade from the campaignturns so that it can be implemented live on your trade statement. So no more quarterly trade, now possible any time all year round.

    The start of this is only after the end of the summerturn. It will be announced again.

    Settelment-requirement: Ore

    At the moment it is still the case that once a year a unit of ore is required when reaching settlement level 2 (of a maximum of 3). From winter 20 this will now be transferred to defense level 2 (of a maximum of 3) of a settlement.

    This step takes place, and has been planned for a little longer, as there are many cities with settlement level 1, but with defense level 3. In principle, a fortress with tents in it for living for sometimes thousands of settlers, in order to avoid supposedly higher settlement needs. We are now trying to counteract this with this campaignrules, but also to show the seriousness and value of the higher level of defense.

    Handling of the summerturn

    We are currently handling the summerturn. Tobias is already orientating and supports strongly in the economic game (production, trade, trademarks) and will soon take over completely. We have really good motivation right now!

    Meanwhile, Hans, Dennis and Daniel are also on to game content and campaign events that will reach you in the next few days and weeks.

    Population numbers

    In order for us to revise the settler numbers of the protectorates and relating them dynamically to your player numbers, we absolutely need the number of players from all protectorates. Player numbers decide whether your IT population grows or shrinks (after previous census / revamp to fall reaction - tba).

    Send us your number of players / group sizes, if possible with how many you would be in the JdS, Chronicles, CoM otherwise it would alternatively your pure protectorate / group player numbers would do, to with the subject ′′CG player numbers".

    If we don't get any numbers from you, your IT population definitely shrinks as we have to assume your group has gotten smaller or inactive.

    So far

    your North Orga

  • Hi Guys,

    Thank you very much for the effort and for this wonderful Campaign. A special thanks to all the new guys in the team, trying to take things over.

    Christmas time is Winter-turn time and I am very much looking forward to it. However, it seems we are a little bit behind the schedule. Could you please give us an update on the current status of the game and the outcome of the summer-turns?

    Regarding the population numbers - Due to obvious reasons, it is currently impossible to report any numbers. How do we deal with that?

    Best wishes,


  • [Campaign Game - News]

    Dear North Campaigners!


    • Trading game is decoupled from the CampaignTurns
    • Settlement-Requirement Ore: Ore will be coupled to the Defensegrade from CampaignTurn Summer 21 on
    • Summerturn is handled
    • Winterturn has to be set in midth of february
    • CampaignGame TS for Information about CampaignGame changes

    New trading game mechanics

    We are currently in the process of adding the revised trading mechanics, so don't be surprised if a new thread called "Trade & Trademarks" appears in your areas. This will only start to be used from winter 20 and before that there will be at least one Q&A on it! Briefly explained: We completely decouple trading from the moves, so that it can be implemented live on your trading information. So no more quarterly trading, anytime all year round.

    The start is now. See CampaignGame-TS below.

    Settelment-requirement: Ore

    At the moment it is still the case that once a year a unit of ore is required when reaching settlement level 2 (of a maximum of 3). Contrary to the original announcement of the implementation for winter 20, it will only be implemented from summer 21! (see last CG-News).

    Handling of the Summerturn 20

    The summer turn has now been processed everywhere. There are still some CG events to come, but please answer all the questions so that this can be kicked off!

    The overview of which CG parties took part in the summer turn is also attached.

    Winterturn 20

    The setting date of the winter turn will be announced in the next few days. But be prepared for mid-February.

    CampaignGame Info-TS

    The first appointment is after the VU-TS on January 20th, 2021. Another follow-up date is Thursday, January 21st, 2021 from 20:00h.

    Changes to the CG will be presented and there will also be a short summary of the changes in the CG as a PDF.

    So far

    your North-Orga

  • [Short KS update]

    • All turns are still being edited by us.
    • The constructionjobs, trade, actions, plots and resources are dealt with on all turns.
    • Campaign events are still being processed for some protectorates and cities!
    • After all turns have been processed, the campaign game pauses until at least November. The turns are suspended for the time being. So at least no spring reaction, summer turn, autumn reaction.
      Trade and certain IT play will still be possible. [There will be more information about this process soon]
    • During this break, the KS is rebuilt with all updates. So new settlement requirements, ship certificates, siege weapons, etc.
  • Restart back into the Campaign-Game

    • Trademarks can be called up via your Campaign-Game areas [Trade & Trademarks]. This year around 10 Trademarks are available per protectorate, as we only have a contingent of around 150 Trademarks for the entire north this year and of course we want to make the whole thing fair. If a large part of the contingent is still unclaimed at / after the conquest, more Trademarks per protectorate are possible.
    • Event-CampaignTurn after the JdS. You can submit an extra reaction turn until May 22nd, 2022. As always, you can explore the realm, do research, move troops and much more here.
    • The regular start of the Reaction-Turn is with the autumn reaction 22 after the conquest. Set-Date: 28.082022.
    • The next Campaign-Turn with building orders and the like would be the winter turn 22. Set-Date: November 27th, 2022.