Search for knowledge about the Greifenportal

  • Where: In library

    Who: Everybody


    Next to a big pile of books sleeps Hopkins with a tiny snore. His head is jammed in-between the pages of something on ways of travle in Mythodea.

    He looks to have been researching for a long time, with no luck by the look of his notes next to him, which only carry the title of "Greifenportal, how do they work?".

    The books next to him looks to be books on travle, magical gates and the element of Air, Aries.

    IT: Hopkins Tobias with the former lastname Kettle. Battlemage, artificer and Headmaster of Academia Unitate.

    "We are the small voices. Together we roar."
    OT: Martin Straarup

    Host of LARP web-show LarpForge

    ConQuest Fire camp 11/12/13 | ConQuest Viribus Unitis 14/15/17/19 | JDS Norden 17/18 | Lunorth Tournament 16 |Copperdale - tale of Mythodea 18/18/19/19 | Summer Solstices 20/21 |Winter Solstices 20 | I Skoven Dybe Still Ro 20

    Member of Mythodea Danmark

    Edited once, last by Martin Straarup ().

  • A person who looks to be the librarian or an assistant comes over and wakes Hopkins up.
    Hopkins nods and blinks as he is told that this is a library not a hostel.
    The librarian wakes away as Hopkins remove some drool from his cheek and starts opening another book.

    His note book still quite empty.

    IT: Hopkins Tobias with the former lastname Kettle. Battlemage, artificer and Headmaster of Academia Unitate.

    "We are the small voices. Together we roar."
    OT: Martin Straarup

    Host of LARP web-show LarpForge

    ConQuest Fire camp 11/12/13 | ConQuest Viribus Unitis 14/15/17/19 | JDS Norden 17/18 | Lunorth Tournament 16 |Copperdale - tale of Mythodea 18/18/19/19 | Summer Solstices 20/21 |Winter Solstices 20 | I Skoven Dybe Still Ro 20

    Member of Mythodea Danmark