who: Anyone
When: September the 20th 2019 (someone please translate this to NDE time)
At the harbour office in Ozam Har'ol is a line of all sorts of people, some are pushing and some even get into a fight.
A yell can be heard from one of the officers, demanding peace and good order.
In front of the sitting at a desk is Niels Forbonte with his usual white rugged coat and worn down leather tophat. At the table in front of is a paper saying in large letters:
Hiring adventurers and sailors
The ships Magdalene and Excellence are once again embarking to explore the northern continent along with the Davoric Expedition
Are you up for the task head to the Harbour Office at Ozam Har'ol and speak with Niels Forbonte
*Payment will be settled when signed to the ship*
Niels looks up through his spectacles at the person in front of him saying with a smile
"So you are looking to become an explorer are you?"