Poster board outside the Inn

  • *On the out side the Inn, a new poster have been put up

    Are times tough, are you looking for a better place to live?

    Take your family and move to the protectorate of Lunorth, to make your mark on the world.
    Housing and Food will be provided.
    Lunorth is a wast land know for it's proud warriors, strong horses and good mead.

    Pack your things and travel to the proud city's of Northheim, Copperdale or Muspelheim.
    Upon arrival contact the local city office's to get housing assigned.

    We bid you welcome.

    Sanctioned by the Council of Lunorth"

    IT: Hopkins Tobias with the former lastname Kettle. Battlemage, artificer and Headmaster of Academia Unitate.

    "We are the small voices. Together we roar."
    OT: Martin Straarup

    Host of LARP web-show LarpForge

    ConQuest Fire camp 11/12/13 | ConQuest Viribus Unitis 14/15/17/19 | JDS Norden 17/18 | Lunorth Tournament 16 |Copperdale - tale of Mythodea 18/18/19/19 | Summer Solstices 20/21 |Winter Solstices 20 | I Skoven Dybe Still Ro 20

    Member of Mythodea Danmark

  • Naturally... nobody of the cultists who gives their souls to the dark goods cares for such a blasphemic offer from unbelievers.
    The herald is lucky about the carelessness of the folks...otherwise he would be simply killed for offending the gods and the worse try to recruit settlers from another Protektorat or much worser used as a ritual component and tortured to death for the glory of the dark gods.

    ~ Ein Sieg bedarf keiner Erklärung - Eine Niederlage erlaubt keine ~

    IT: Kriegsmeister (des Chaos) Gorathiel
    Funktion im Norden : Hochamt für militärische Angelegenheiten
    OT: Rosti / Bene